It has not been long since we have started to witness some incredible reforms happening in our educational sector including the introduction of NBA accreditation. And we, as a nation, are definitely beginning to raise the standards of our education to compete with the rest of the world. And the remarkable efforts from the different governments and bodies appointed by the governments are beginning to show promising results, that our education is becoming better as the days pass by.
The National Board of Accreditation has been a prominent name in this regard. The quality assurance initiatives for the NBA along with the Washington Accords helps institutions to deliver quality education, with efficient and optimized teaching learning mechanisms.
But it has not been long since we all first heard the name NBA. And many are still in the dark regarding the working and the motives of the NBA. But it shouldn’t be so. We all deserves to know what shapes our education and how they are doing it. This has been why we, Linways Technologies Pvt Ltd, have published a series of blogs, on everything that you need to know about the NBA accreditation. Namely, those are:

Though this has been the summarised versions of the research we’ve been conducting over the NBA and quality assurance, we have tried to draw a clear picture, without getting too much into the complex structure of the process.
We only consider it fair enough to let everyone know about one of the most important things happening in our educational system.
And if you wanted to know more about these, please contact us. We are only delighted share our findings on NBA with you.