Multiple Entry and Exit System (MEES)
We believe you have already gone through our previous blog, an introduction to Multiple Entry and Exit System(MEES). If not, you can find it here: https://blog.linways.com/what-is-multiple-entry-and-exit-system-mees-introduction-benefits-abc-linways/.
In this blog, we will discuss the levels and criteria of the Multiple Entry and Exit System in higher education institutions. To enable multiple entry and exit points in the academic programs, qualifications such as certificates, diplomas, and degrees are organized in a series of levels in an ascending order from level 5 to level 10. The four-year undergraduate program may comprise courses under many categories. Some of these include:
- disciplinary/interdisciplinary major (40-56 credits)
- disciplinary/interdisciplinary minor (20-28 credits)
- vocational studies (12-18 credits)
- field projects/internship/apprenticeship/community engagement and service (24- 32 credits).
Different levels of Multiple Entry and Exit System and its credit requirements.
- Level 5: Undergraduate Certificate level and is for those students, who exit studies after the first year of graduation;(Credit requirements: 36-40)
- Level 6: Undergraduate diploma level and is for those students, who exit studies after two years of graduation;(Credit requirements: 72-80)
- Level 7: Bachelor’s Degree of three years;(Credit requirements: 108-120)
- Level 8: Bachelor’s Degree (Honours/Research) of four years;(Credit requirements:144-160)
- Level 9: Master’s Degree One/Two years depending on three/four years Bachelor’s Degree respectively. (Credit requirements; (Credit requirements: 36-40 and 72-80 respectively)
- Level 10: Doctoral Degree(Minimum prescribed credits for course work and a thesis with published work)
The entry and exit criteria for students for Under Graduate courses are as follows:
1st Year
- Entry 1:The Secondary School Leaving Certificate, which is received after successfully completing Grade 12, is the admission criterion for Level 5. At every entry point, the review of documentation proof (including the applicant’s academic record) of their capacity to enter and finish a Bachelor’s degree program is the basis for admission.
- Exit 1: At the conclusion of year 1, a student will get a certificate (Level 5). A minimum of 36–40 credits must be earned during the first year of the undergraduate program in order to get an undergraduate certificate. The first year of the undergraduate program builds on secondary education.
2nd Year
- Entry 2. A certificate earned after completing the first year (two semesters) of the undergraduate program is the admission criterion for Level 6. Anyone who has satisfied the entrance requirements, including the stipulated levels of attainment in the program admission regulations, is eligible to enroll in a program of study leading to the second year of the Bachelor’s degree for both entry 2 and entry 3.
- Exit 2: If a student leaves at the end of the second year, a diploma will be awarded (Level 6). A diploma requires 72-80 credits from levels 5 to 6, with 36-40 credits at level 6.
3rd Year
- Entry 3. A diploma earned after completing two years (four semesters) in an undergraduate program is the admission criterion for Level 7.
- Exit 3: On successful completion of three years, the relevant degree shall be awarded (Level 7). A Bachelor’s degree requires 108-120 credits from levels 5 to 7, with 36-40 credits at each level. That is from level 5 to 7.
4th Year
- Entry 4. In order to be admitted to a Bachelor’s degree (Honours/Research) (Level 8) program in a particular field of study, a candidate must typically have fulfilled all of the prerequisites for the corresponding three-year bachelor’s degree (Level 7). Candidates who achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 7.5 will be permitted to continue their studies in the fourth year of the undergraduate program in order to pursue and earn the Bachelor’s degree in Research.
- Exit 4: On the successful completion of the fourth year, a student shall be awarded a degree (Honours/Research). A Bachelor’s degree (Honours/Research) requires a total of 144-160 credits from levels 5 to 8, with 36-40 credits at each level (level5 to 8)
In conjunction with all its potential, the Multiple Entry and Exit System(MEES) poses enormous challenges to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It wipes out the traditional admission ecosystem and brings in a rapid and engaging system. So, the requirement of a robust and active admission management system, which is equipped with all the tools to support higher education institutions in the smooth conduct of the academic year is a pressing priority.
In brief, the multiple Entry and Exit System (MEES) can be viewed as a significant reform focused on making the higher education system more egalitarian and student-friendly. Although MEES would revolutionize the Indian educational system, managing and processing student entrance and exit choices will become a complex process for the institutions. A right and competent technology in place will bring out the best in the Multiple Entry and Exit System. The strategic implementation of this ground-breaking initiative would give students seamless mobility, assuring their zero-year loss and giving them the chance to learn from anywhere, at any time.