How the functioning of an entire Educational Institution can be brought to a virtual platform using Linways AMS.

Technological storms have driven the world in such a way that extensive collection of study materials on diverse courses are easily available at our fingertips. But why do we still rely on schools or colleges to pursue our education?
The answer is very simple.
Though there is information available around us, an institution, with its unique workflow and delivery makes the difference. It organizes the entire curriculum delivery, and build up a structure where multiple courses, batches, departments, and doctrines are managed. This sets institutional education apart from the MOOCs, or online course delivery tools. It also caters to achieve certain objectives beyond the mere course delivery. When it comes to education a centralized approach is essential for its proper functioning
The structure of a course should be systematic. The way a teacher delivers a topic should engage the students and make them active participants. In addition to that maintaining a proper hierarchy in the higher education system plays a vital role in keeping the pace with the right goals and maintaining focus for the whole education process.
With such complex workflows, managing an educational institution doesn’t begin and end in delivering courses or conducting online classes. It goes beyond classroom interactions and file sharing to analytics, reports, data-driven decision making, and maintaining the order. That’s where Linways AMS comes in. we have developed Linways to be adaptive to all kinds of institutional environments. In the era of online education let’s see how the entire functioning of an Educational Institution can be brought to a virtual platform using Linways AMS.
How can we manage the institutional hierarchy to Linways AMS?
The Institutional Hierarchy can be easily defined in the Linways AMS. Within the system, the subject is a community and the teacher is it’s moderator. Then there’s the HoD who manages the whole departments, mentors, principal and so it goes on. It’s obvious that each of these titles requires their own unique set of privileges and functions.
Academic designation can be assigned to each of the staff in an institute. The accessibility of information as well as maintaining the functionalities of the system will be based on the academic role. The Principal will have access to the entire details of staff and students present in an institute. The Department Heads can access the data under his department and the normal teaching faculty have the data of students in the batches assigned. The academic heads can access various reports which are useful in analyzing student performance and ensure that the quality of teaching-learning is maintained.
Is it Possible to Simulate Departments and Batches?
Linways creates a virtual representation of the subject community inside the platform. Various Departments present in an Institution can be defined in the AMS and the Department heads can be assigned to each of the departments created. Under each department, batches can be defined. Batch Mentors and Faculty for each subject can be assigned to the required batches. Also, a committee can be created if required by including faculty and students for quality assurance purposes.
How can We make Subject Planning simpler?
“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.
–Benjamin Franklin
The proper delivery of lectures and coverage of the syllabus requires proper planning. Using the subject planner feature available faculty can define the subject plans as well as upload course materials along with the plans. The complexity of Lesson Planning can be completely eliminated using the Linways Academic Management System and a proper tracking mechanism is also incorporated for the same.

It’s easy to keep track of each topic, and how far along the course has moved using the actual schedule. Teachers can update them on the go thereby offering real-time data of progress of the course plan .The plans proposed and implemented can also be viewed by the students

Organized Collection of Course Materials
Linways caters the teachers to upload course materials in different forms ranging from elaborate online lectures to short notes for last-minute preparation. This helps to keep them accessible for the students. But the question comes at this point:
How can a teacher ensure if the students are using the right material for carrying out their studies?
Are all the students self equipped to learn independently?
Linways AMS comes up with a perfect solution for these questions.
Using the Course Material and Video content Repository, the faculty can provide precise materials to the students. One of the main factors that render online education is the lack of interaction between the students and tutors. To overcome that limitation, an active discussion forum is available under each material. Students can clarify their doubts and faculty can in turn provide their suggestions or mechanism to learn the topic with much ease.
One of the major problems of conducting classes remotely is that it would be very difficult for a faculty to ensure that the materials have reached all students if passed on through any other medium. Any course-related material provided through the Linways AMS will be available for the students in their respective log in which can be accessed from anywhere thus ensuring the reliability. Also, the academic heads can ensure the materials are available for the students from time-to-time.

What are the different Assessment Tools available in Linways?
The term “assessment” often broadly defined because it needs to include any outcome or goal in any activity or discipline that can be a part of a feedback process. Since assessment incurs continuous evaluation as well as examinations from time-to-time, Linways AMS is equipped with both.
- Assignment
The feature to give assignments based on their related topics is very useful in nurturing the creative, analytical, and innovative skills in students. The assignment given by a faculty can be submitted from a student’s account from within the given time period and the teacher can evaluate the submitted assignment in AMS and enter the marks simultaneously.
- Quiz
Using the Quiz feature available in the AMS evaluation on different topics can be conducted from time to time. Continuous evaluation mechanisms can help in reducing the pressure on students and improves their confidence in the topics learned. Based on the scores obtained by the students, the faculty can adopt necessary actions to enhance the teaching experience and can ensure that the students have learned the topic.

“While online education is evolving as a great revolution in the field of education. We are continuously innovating the right tools which will lead to new ways of learning.”
Our vision is to improve the way the world is learning with the help of technology. Moving forward in the 21st century, education is shifting towards a digital era. We continuously collect feedback from teachers and institutional management to assess the requirements, and innovate in the academic workflows to maintain the pace at the forefront of education technology. Let us know your thoughts on the digitally evolving education spectrum and hopefully, we can have a meaningful conversation about how things will turn out.
Also published on Medium.