Learning is how we progress. The better we learn, more we progress.
There are some great resources for educators and teachers. There are books, research papers, even textbooks… loads of them.
But what about articles, or blog posts? Something we could read on the commute, or during the lunch break.
We’ve gathered 11 of our best-performing blog posts, the ones we consider ‘must-read’, on education and technology. These 11 articles cover a wide variety of topics and perspectives, and they are all handpicked from our long list of blogs. So read on… and let us know if you find anything missing, or have anything to add to these in the comments.

Technology is transforming education. Educational institutions are left with a choice : Adapt or be outdated. We discuss about the right technology for an educational institution for the future. Also finding out why most institutions make the wrong choice of opting an ERP when what they really want is an Academic Management System (AMS).

For all the teachers out there, we are bringing you a curated dictionary of learning theories. Explore the vast world of education and the wide variety of teaching-learning theories and processes.

Carefully dissecting the reasons why nobody approach our engineering colleges for engineering needs, like we do in the case of medial colleges. There are huge potential, and limitless resources at our disposal in the form of engineering colleges and nobody is exploiting it. Why?

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education. Though many has spoken about this topic, we take a different approach to actually explore the less discussed, practical side of the domain. See how we can seamlessly integrate technology into education without disrupting the sanctity of the classrooms.

21st century has equipped all of us with gadgets. Then why not leverage all these technology to improve our education? Flipped learning gifts the learner with a convenience to learn anywhere anytime. The teachers can spend more time with the students interacting with them instead of engaging them in long lectures.

Improvements are based on Insights. We arrive at insights from data. So the data we use to assess and derive insights should be clear, accurate, and in a form which we can manipulate into various forms the way we want. Moreover, we can infer without a doubt that the data driven decisions would muster the best results. So how can we introduce the best possible workflow in education so that the decision makers can use the data to take well-informed and intelligent decisions.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) will be one of the most prominent forms of education tomorrow. As the influence of technology increases, mass accumulation of knowledge, and general purpose education becomes more and more irrelevant. The internet can bring any kind of knowledge anytime into the devices in our hands from anywhere around the world. Read about the shift towards CBCS and how it will shape the future education.

Yes. We care a huge deal about education and we always try and come up with ways to help the teachers, students, and other stakeholders. So here are 7 ways to optimize your teaching potential.

These are some of the proven methods that have the potential to change the teaching experience.
No two learners are alike. Realizing this fact is the first step towards a better learning environment. As alternative learning opportunities like MOOC and mobile applications become more frequent in our lives, Competency Based Education is something you should definitely check out. Adapting to the pace of learning and a collaborative learning environment means ‘no child left behind’ and equal opportunities.

A student is always at the center of education. No matter what is being taught, how important the curriculum is, how great the teacher is, it all comes down to the student at the end. More and more universities and accrediting organizations are adopting Student Centered Learning. Read why.

Finally, the big question. Does Indian education support Innovation?? though we are optimistic, facts are facts and they need to be acknowledged. Read on about the popular perception on Indian education and why they say it doesn’t support innovation…

And let us know what you think about these articles in the comments. We also publish newsletters with news about our latest blogs on education.