There has been a drastic transformation in the teaching-learning process in our education system over the past few months. In the new normal Online Classes have taken over the conventional classrooms. Online learning has made the teaching-learning process highly simplified and flexible. Initially, there were so many concerns and difficulties in transforming conventional classrooms to online classrooms. But with the combined efforts of teachers, students, and various digital technologies the online teaching-learning process has evolved to be highly successful.
In any learning system providing feedback for the students at the right time is very essential. Also, getting feedback is one of the basic rights of a human being, if a person aspires to improve in a particular field.
“ Continuous knowledge delivery without continuous feedback always proves to be dangerous. ”
An enthusiastic learner who always takes initiative to sharpen their knowledge and skills can improve themselves only by receiving the right feedback on time. The best method that was followed to provide feedback for students in the education system was by conducting Examinations from time to time. With the impact of COVID -19 pandemic conducting examinations in conventional mode became truly challenging and unsafe.
When examinations are not conducted at the right time students are deprived of their opportunities to know their potential, weakness, and areas of improvement.
Examination always builds a kind of responsibility in students to perform well as helps them in building their logical and decision-making skills.
The only possibility to conduct exams effectively during this period was to conduct the examination online. Colleges and universities always take a lot of steps in making the examination system fair, efficient, reliable, and transparent. Understanding these concerns Linways gathered different ideas to develop a mechanism to conduct examinations online and thus we created our Online Examination Module. The introduction of the Online Examination module simplified the works of teachers for conducting the exams and performing the valuation. Also, it was a great relief for the students as they can attend the exams conveniently from their home . Many of the universities and premier educational institutions across the country have already conducted end semester exams using the Linways Online Exam module.
Some of the salient features that the Linways Online Examination Module stand tall are the following :
- Teachers can assign the time schedule and duration for an examination.
- The examination link gets opened to students only at the scheduled time.
- Instructions can be given to the students prior to each examination.
- Provision for students to review their responses on completion of the examination.
- Shuffling of the questions and choices for each student.
- Exam valuation can be conducted digitally.
- The response sheet of students can be stored digitally.
- Ensures the integrity of Examination.
So there comes a question in everyone’s mind :
“Is the possibility to conduct online examinations is limited only for MCQ type papers? “
The answer is quite surprising “NO”. In the Linways Online Examination module, exams can be conducted for descriptive type paper, even mathematical subjects and technical subjects. We have also included provisions to perform case studies and upload the answers files in different formats.
With the usage of online exam module, teachers could conduct the examination in a fair and accurate manner and could declare the result in a short span of time. When it comes to online exams there are a lot of misconceptions in everyone’s mind. The widely arisen one is the chances of malpractices and how can it be eliminated.
Also while conducting exams the tendency of cheating in exams was probable. So let’s have a look at the features that are incorporated in Linways Online Exam Module to eliminate malpractice.
- Scheduled submission time for completion of the exam.
- Restricting the pasting of answers from external websites or documents.
- Enabling the provision to display only a single question to students at a time.
Additional Benefits :
The Online Examination module is available for use as a highly flexible and independent module. So any institute can adopt the system at any phase of their academics year time without many complexities.
Online Exam module was also used in various institutes across the country for Entrance Examination, holding Quiz events and exams involving a large number of students.
The exams can also be accessed on all types of devices even with low internet connectivity.
“Let’s make the student evolve with the positive benefits of exams and make them improve themselves with the help of technology.”
We are happy to give you a free demo of Linways online examination module, just click : http://linways.com/schedule-demo
Also published on Medium.