What does it take to be successful?
I would say a great mentor and an effective system.
It has become a necessity to constantly upgrade yourself by learning more and more in today’s world. The same stands true for teachers and mentors as well.
Students will be able to grow progressively only if educators are also improving themselves consistently. Therefore, it is vital to empower the educators too; inculcate robust strategies!
- Look beyond the basics: Focusing on fundamentals is essential. But at the same time, it is crucial to focus beyond improving subject matter and detailed lesson plans.
- Focus on dynamic aspects of teaching: Prioritise creating an effective learning ecosystem and using present-day technological tools to stay relevant.
- Retain the focus of the students: This can be tackled by engaging students regularly
Providing access to online courses is another excellent way. However, it cannot replace the exceptional doubt-solving capabilities of educators.
Nevertheless, upgrading the skills and values might still not be enough if the entire education structure is outdated.
Through innovation research
- Identify: You can resolve issues only when you can discover them in the first place.
- Explore: The next step would be to learn more about the specific domain and gain knowledge.
- Innovate: This can be done consistently through proper research. Be it the problems that have already existed for decades or those that have surfaced recently, the only viable solution is to keep evolving.
Today’s generation has great enthusiasm and will to resolve modern-day challenges.
At the same time, it is necessary to provide them with proper guidance and resources and encourage them so that they can innovate and lead in the coming years.
So, empower educators, inspire learners, change the future.